Cheese and potato hotpot

One of the most satisfying ways of stretching a few potatoes and a little hard cheese to feed at least 4.

4/5 potatoes sliced thinly
1 onion also sliced
2/3 rashers of bacon or more if you are flush, chopped up

  1. Layer these up in a deep casserole with a lid.
  2. Season with pepper
  3. Pour over 1/4 pint approx of white sauce
  4. Add the cheese to the top.
  5. Give the pot a good shake to let the sauce settle all the way in

Cook 1 hour in a hot oven - No 6/200- and then put the lid on for a further hour in a lower oven say N0 3 or equivalent.

Serve with greens and wonder why you didn't make more.
