
If not ice cream, and anyway the weather has changed, why not impress with this fashionable dessert that can be a centre piece on its own or with the accompaniment of seasonal fruit, say some sliced strawberries in sugar or a little stewed rhubarb. It will stun even the regualr Italy goers.

It can be done with a secret packet and very little effort. And it is vegetarian...


  1. Buy a packet of Green's Carmelle dessert
  2. Throw away the caramel syrup sachet
  3. Take a pint of double cream and stir some seeds from at least one vanilla pod into it in a pan
  4. Follow the instructions on the packet (extremely easy)
  5. Put the mixture into a small basin that you are confident will turn out easily or use a fancy mould as in the picture - though it may be more difficult to turn out!
  6. Chill
  7. Turn out
  8. Wait for the compliments
My mother used to make a cold dessert to go with fruit, using full cream milk and rennet - it was called junket. You will have difficulty buying rennet now and it is not vegetarian. This is a richer and more luxurious version of that old favourite.
