Casserole weather

The colder weather also brings a longing for warming stews and casseroles. They take time but only for the cooking period. The first steps for any type of stew, browning the meat, frying onions and garlic, adding vegetables and liquid, are easy and quite quick, though onions are always better sweated for longer than you might think is strictly necessary. So maybe these are not after work food but any cold weekend will be improved with one. We have just inherited an electric slow cooker into which you can bung everything and leave it all day. I haven't used it yet though!

However, this pork dish in fact only needs an hour as the spare rib chops don't need as long as some cuts of stewing meat. So it fills the autumn bill without too much time needed.

Pork Bake

4 spare rib chops (or as many as you need, other ingredients adjusted- if you only want 2, I would use the same amount of the rest)
1 onion
1 pepper
1 can tomatoes
1 tbspn Worcester sauce
Juice 1/2 lemon
1 level dsspn sugar
1/4 pint stock (cube or otherwise)

  1. Roll chops in seasoned flour and brown briefly in a frying pan with a little oil. Put them into a shallow oven dish
  2. Sweat the onion and pepper chopped
  3. Add the rest
  4. Bring to the boil
  5. Pour over the chops

Cover the dish and bake one hour No 4 checking for tenderness and taste at the end. This recipe doesn't seem to need garlic which I nearly always add to this kind of cooking but of course you could put it in. Potatoes in jackets cooked alongside go well.
