Simple Delights

The Lemon Shortbreads go particularly well with a simple but lavish pudding Lemon Posset. This has only three ingredients. Because one of those is cream,(and quite a lot of it) it is a posh pud to impress. But it is also very easy to make, full of vitamin C and refreshing as well as rich.

Lemon Posset

600ml double cream
150 g castor sugar
Juice of 3 lemons

  1. Heat the cream slowly, adding the sugar and stirring to ensure it dissolves.
  2. Bring to the boil and boil for exactly three minutes without stirring.
  3. Remove from the heat and whisk in the lemon juice. As lemons vary so much, taste the mixture now and make sure it is lemony enough.
  4. Strain through a sieve into a jug and then pour into 6 small glasses or ramekins.

Chill covered and then serve with a lemon shortbread on the side.
