
Once a year it is time for parkin, a traditional Yorkshire cake which only a few Yorkshire people seem to eat but does appear around Bonfire night. I am not a true Yorkshire person but I have a handwritten recipe from one, a nice lady who brought it for all the class I was teaching one year. It is not actually quite the same as many versions. It is usually baked in a shallow tin for one thing,not as a round cake and this version doesn't have to have any oatmeal in it. But you should use half oatmeal and flour as this is traditional as well as excellent.

Lining the tin with greaseproof would have stopped this one from crumbling as I took it out.

Joyce's Parkin

6 oz butter (this would have been margarine in the past and in Joyce's version)but I think why bother with anything less than butter if you are going to the effort of making a treat
7oz brown sugar
2 tablspns black treacle - or one of golden syrup and one treacle
10oz SR flour - use half oatmeal for goodness and tradition
tspns ground ginger
2 eggs beaten up lightly in a measuring jug to which you then add 1/4 pint milk

  1. Melt butter and sugar with the treacle
  2. Beat rest into it until smooth
  3. Pour into a greased tin - a 6/7''round one
  4. Bake I hour and up to one hour and a half at No 3 - take out when it is risen and firm to the touch. Test with a skewer in the middle to be sure.
This improves with keeping and is very moreish in cold weather. Joyce recommends sprinkling the top with walnuts before baking, but that is certainly not traditional Yorkshire!
