Cakes for Fruit

While the berries and fruits of summer are still beautiful, here are two cake recipes which are just perfect for sandwiching with quantities of delicious fruit and cream. So either of these would make a wonderful pudding or a very extravagant teatime treat.

I apologise that one recipe is give in grams and one in ounces - but that is how I have acquired them. Even though, because of my age, pounds and ounces come more easily to me, I don't bother to translate measurements either way as all scales and measuring jugs have both. What you mustn't do is mix them - use one or the other.

Apricot Almond Cake (but you could use other fruit instead)

NB This is gluten free

5 eggs separated
200g sugar
2 tsps vanilla extract or use your vanilla sugar
200g ground almonds

21/2 cm round cake tin, lined

  • Beat the egg whites with half of the sugar till you have a soft meringue. Use a food processor or mixer for this if you have one. Put the stiff whites into a big bowl. Beat the egg yolks with the other half of the sugar till thick and pale in the food processor or in a bowl over warm water - either way it takes some time to get a really fluffy, white mixture.

  • Mix the almonds into the yolks slowly so as not to knock the air out. The mixture will be very thick. Scrape into a bowl.
  • Fold the meringue into this, a spoonful first, using a metal spoon and smoothing the mixture gently as you go. Stir in the vanilla if using.
  • Spoon the mixture into the tin and bake at No 4 for 40 -45 mins. Test with a skewer before taking it out.

  • If you don't use a processor, you must, of course, use separate bowls for the yolks and the whites.  A hand held electric whisk will be a great help or just plain elbow grease with a balloon whisk will be satisfactory. If you put the egg yolks bowl over a pan of hot water, so that it doesn't touch but is near enough to warm up, this part of the process will be quicker as it takes a lot of beating to get the right pale creamy consistency.

    When cold split and fill with poached apricots and cream ( or other fruit eg raspeberries or cherries compote). It keeps well until you fill it so could be made a day in advance.

    You could bake it in a 24'' tin for 35 mins and use it as a flan base for fruit and cream.

    Chiffon Cake

    3 eggs
    175g castor sugar
    150g SR flour
    100g melted butter
    150 ml milk
    1tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp cream of tartar

    • Beat egg whites with 125g sugar and the cream of tartar in processor till thick. Scrape out into a big bowl.
    • Beat egg yolks with 50g sugar in processor till thick and pale.
    • Sift flour and baking powder - mix with melted butter and warmed milk.
    • Add to yolks and beat.
    • Stir into the whites.
    • Spoon into an 8'' tin lined and put onto an oven tray.
    • Bake at No 3 for 40 mins maximum.
    When cold, take out of the tin carefully, split and fill with strawberries or any other fruit and cream. This one needs to be eaten within a day or two and is best served on the same day.

    If you haven't got a processor, see the comment about using separate bowls above.
