Greek Chicken

When I was an au pair to a posh English family living in Greece (the family who owned and still own the Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall) I loved the way their cook Joanna prepared a lemony chicken for visitors. If I got the chance, I used to nibble little bits from the cool left overs which she put out for me on the sly.   I have since eaten versions of this dish in Greek tavernas on holiday, though nothing has ever been quite as delicious as hers was in my memory. I tried to replicate it unsucessfully at home many times until I found this recipe somewhere. I think it makes a lovely summer meal which is a reminder of the wonders of Greece and a good way to use a whole free range chicken. It also showcases Lemon Potatoes which are a great dish in their own right and very popular as an accompaniment to many other main courses. For these just omit the chicken!

Greek Chicken
  1. Put your chicken in the sink and pour a kettle full of boiling water over it. Dry and then season your bird thoroughly.
  2. Put a whole onion inside it, peeled.
  3. Cut potatoes into thick chips, quarters or sixths depending on the size.
  4. Put these into a large roasting dish or best of all an oven dish you can bring to the table; season them with salt and pepper and some dried oregano.
  5. Put the chicken on top.
  6. Pour over it all the juice of at least 2 lemons plus 150 ml or thereabouts of olive oil ( a light cooking one).
  7. Add some more dried oregano.Fresh majoram or thyme could also be good added.
  8. Put 1/2 mug hot water in with the potatoes.
  9. Cook in a hot oven No 7 30 mins
  10. Lower to No 3/4 for 1 hour, basting twice.
  11. If the chicken is getting very brown, cover it lightly with some foil half way through. When the time is up, check that the potatoes are all cooked. They should be meltingly soft but will not be like ordinary roast potatoes, so will not be very brown. If you think they need a little more time, remove the chicken to a warm place and turn the heat up for another 20 mins or so.
Serve this for 4 people with extra lemons for decoration and to squeeze on, and with green veg or salad. You won't need gravy or sauce as the chicken will be moist but the juices in the pan are good spooned on to taste.


Mandy said…
Yum, Sarah - I plan to try spicy pork, especially as both Tim and I are on the 'Zone' diet now and it fits in beautifully. Will let you know how it goes. Love the piccie of your allotment by the way - it looks FANTASTIC. Hope ours will be like that some day!